The Jewelry Collection Tour!

Hello, hello girls! Such a long break! I'm sorry! I've been busy moving/organizing my closet and traveling back and forth, haven't had time to update this blog. I promise as soon as everything is sorted out I will be blogging regularly as usual, InshAllah! ^__^

If you follow my Instagram you know it has been like this for a few weeks now.
(...and it's not over yet! Hehe)

However, lately I've been very focused on organizing my stuff to put in my closet, which explains the silence on the blog. My husband says I'm obsessed with it because I take pictures of my clothes with me everywhere to get inspiration on what to wear in each area. laugh :P

So when I have some free time I make a list of what I have and what/how/what to put in each place/drawer so everything is organized and easy to find! God... moving from one place to another is so exhausting, man! Also OKR! Ha ha but I like it! So I'm fine! ;)

Do you remember this mirror? Ha ha now this mirror has a new place! ^__^
Last time I always took #OOTD / #WIWT / outfit of the day / Today I wear every morning in front of this mirror! Although I missed the case! I'll probably start doing this again when things have calmed down.

Anyway... At the request of my Instagram/blog followers, here's a tour of my jewelry collection! Please note this video is made for people who have the same interests as me If you don't like it that's fine I know everyone has different interests It's my passion and I've been collecting them for years now and I don't throw my things away, which explains why there are so many... hehe.

To cheer!

By the way, in case you were wondering, the black suede inserts on the drawers are custom made. As for the black tray and bracelet holder, I bought them off eBay! - I love eBay! You have great stuff!!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to comment/email me. I will try to answer your questions! Thanks for watching girls!

Until my next update!


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