Almost Settled Down

Oh, hi!! Hello!!!

By Smaab: I don't know where to start. I don't even know when and where I left this blog. Yes Yes. I have never been so busy + tired in my life. Never! I forgot my blog password. This is how I left my laptop. I didn't have time to turn it on.. how sad. I have had a very busy schedule in the last few months. In addition, I have a large collection of photographs with me. So I don't know how and what to share with you. So I did without updating. Ha ha ha ha

There are about 4,000 photos in the Honeymoon folder, more than 1,000 at the Hilton reception, over 2,000 at Nika's. And about 300-500 in other folders.
So tell me... where do I start?! Yes Yes

November 2013 is the last month of wedding planning. Then December 2013, the month of my wedding. Then January 2014, honeymoon. - We went on vacation for a month. Fun times but SUPER DUPER SOLD!!! (I passed out on our last day. Haha. I'm so tired, my body can't take it).

I just returned to Kuala Lumpur two weeks ago but we stayed at my sister's house for a week as her husband left for Saudi Arabia. So my husband and I had to leave him for this week. That is why, even when I returned to Kuala Lumpur, I still wander, I live like a nomad. After returning from January 20, we will visit my mother-in-law's house, my sister's house, my parents' house and the new house. And yesterday was like the first night in a month that I slept in my bed. Oh how I miss my bed! Don't be a nomad anymore. - Traveling back and forth tired my body ... I think I need to take another rest to recover from my last vacation. hahahaha

Last night my husband and I started packing to move into our new home. We want to live fast and end it all... resume normal life. I’ll correct one thing .. there is still a lot to be done ... penat :(

Anyway, living with my husband has been fun so far. He is a very funny and funny person, I like him. Although he thinks he is a foreigner. Yes Yes. - I am a real girl, and he is a simple practical man. So imagine him walking into my room at my parents' house, which was full of stupid girly stuff. I laughed so hard when he asked me inappropriate cute questions about girls. Hello...

However, she asks a lot about my lifestyle... for example. “Why not use a lot of pillows, but only for decoration?” "Why do you have 4 shades of pink pants?" , "Why do you have so many makeup/skin care products on your desk... do you use them all?" , “Why do you want to arrange and display all your items in the store?”, “Why do you have so many clothes?”, “Why do you have color coding?” And much more! Why so many! Yes Yes. It's easy because I'm a girl, honey. We just love getting all these things... hehe. God has separated men and women so that we can support each other. You can't worry about how to hang your clothes... but now I will. ;)

Goodbye... we do live together. Alhamdulillah... I am very happy that I got married, MashaAllah! This is one nikmat tuhan bagi katha dunya ni.. love and love. Sukur Alhamdulillah I found my man, my best friend, my soul mate. :')

The last meeting was over, and the honeymoon was over. Then soon we will begin our adventure as husband and wife and, inshaAllah, mother and father.

Hello. The sectional update can be started.


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