The Bridal Shower

Therefore, my bridal shower was on December 1st, 2013, 2 weeks before my wedding. A beautiful party was held at the Orchid Conservatory Hall of the Majestic Hotel on Sunday afternoon. Aw, the place is so beautiful!! If not, you really should check it out. It's really super. It made me feel like I was in a botanical garden or something. The perfect setting for an afternoon tea session. ^__^

The theme of the day was a glamorous tea party in Paris hosted by my best friend Farhana (she also has a blog. Check it out. ^__^) -- Well, she almost hosted my wedding too! She excels in event planning and coordination. I would really recommend that she quit her current job and become an event planner because she is so awesome! Check out her baby shower last time I posted. Is beautiful! He did all that himself. Terrible bastard! And my friends who attended my wedding said he handled the majlis flow and everything like a pro. Awww... thank you dear! I love you for a long time! ^___^ (Hey, I heard you want to plan my next baby shower, when will I have it? Ohhh, are you a fairy godmother?! Hahaha. But I'll take the offer, thanks. :P )

But the atmosphere of this room is very romantic. The Orchid Conservatory Hall is stunning, with sunlight streaming through the glass doors and walls.

It's so dreamy to be in this living room, especially since there are so many beautiful purple and pink orchids, and the beautiful sunlight shines through the house as well. The whole room is very cool and the ambient temperature is perfect. Ah... everything is wonderful. It's just amazing. :)

Singing ears?!

What is a tea party without a proper and beautiful tea service? :)

Beautiful atmosphere... to celebrate with beautiful people. I wish most of my friends could attend that day. - The sad thing about growing up (or should I say being the last group of married friends ) is that most of them are either pregnant, or divorced, or just pregnant and have morning sickness all day, or. living outside KL. Ishhhh. sad :(
It's so hard to get everyone together these days. Sorang libre, sorang lagi tak libre/tak ginger/falta etc. Eh! But hey, I still had fun meeting all the girls this Sunday night. You really need to do these types of sessions more often. I miss the good times! These girls are my high school friends, wives, bloggers, and by the way, now my fiance. It's always nice to have a little date with girls like this. I'm glad I met him before the wedding, because only 2 hours of dating that day was pretty fun for me. Hmm... I don't know when I'll see you all again. Everyone is busy these, husband, family and work. Ugh... I hate growing up. tsk

Well, I say less words, more images, right? Enjoy the beautiful photos taken by my official wedding photographer Hafiz Ismail .

Each guest received this beautiful box with wonderful spa products that my mother bought last time in Jakarta. - Thanks mom!!

Very fancy table decoration.

I also invited my sister Alang and Hanis . But Hanis could not that day... my sister invited her two beautiful daughters to a party.

Ayra was very excited. "Tea party? Like a princess tea", with his American accent. lol - He kept calling me princess because he saw me in veils and dresses with long tails. Hahaha beautiful! I want a girl please. ; P:

"Ma'am, would you like some tea?"
*with British accent*

Anyway, I'm wearing this beautiful white dress by Nurita Harith called Jones. This is the 2013/2014 bridal collection . God, I love the carving details. A simple yet elegant I love my outfit!

I always love his creations. Lesson!

And I love this cake too. Farhana asked to buy it for me. (I don't know a bakery)

Isn't it beautiful? Love the flowers. I don't know why, but I think this cake suits my style somehow. Thanks baby! You are a great friend.

Queen for a day!

She is a queen. d.p

Afternoon tea time!

Googled the delicious menu they served us. Actually they have a lot, although I didn't quite realize it that day. Maybe because I was busy talking with my friends, maybe the role is so beautiful. But I think mainly because they are so tasty, you put them in your mouth very quickly and don't notice the portion and the serving size. Ha ha ha ha..

Appetizers include chicken and cream cheese-stuffed tomatoes, aglio oil and poached egg in a martini glass and grainy caviar.

Simply delicious.

Let's eat!

Then comes the 3-level stand in the evening. We each have our own little candy booths. It's a very nice atmosphere, I like it!

There are patties with cream and strawberry jam, smoked salmon sandwiches, foie gras on brioche, beef on rye bread and pastries such as eclairs, cheesecakes and tartlets. The lineup includes hot flavors like cheese balls with bread, yogurt with refried beans, and chicken with mushroom puff pastry.

What a beautiful menu in such a beautiful presentation! I like it!

While the girls enjoy their meal, Farhana asks them to talk a little about the bride.




Poo-poos are so cute! I like you! Ha ha ha ha

Group photo!

We were then taken to the sitting room opposite the orchid winter room after our time was up. - They gave us about 3 hours to enjoy the orchid room.

This piece is also very beautiful!

Farhana kept the party going by asking me to leave a love letter and I folded it into origami and put it in a box to read at home later.

I got some sweet notes. thanks guys

A toast to the bride.

So it's time to cut the cake. Sayang Nak Potong... this cake is so cute.

It felt like it was my birthday when everyone gathered around me cutting the cake. Ha ha ha By the way, the cake is delicious. Thank you Farhana. Mmmmm

We ended the party by opening the presents.

I have 20 pairs of underwear. Yes.... Malu laaaa!
Bila masa nak pakai every article tu poon aku tak tahu lah! LOL XD

A great giveaway from La Senza! we will be! Thanks Tammy!

I was asked to keep all the underwear I found on my body. Ha ha ha Adoi korang ni kannn... luckily you didn't ask me to wear it there. Ha ha ha ha

Zarina and Amy's hand cream and makeup set were the only non-SX18 items I received that day. Oh thanks girl. Finally, pack something really useful for your honeymoon that has nothing to do with lace. Ha ha ha ha

Thanks everyone! I really had a great time here!!


P/s. Sorry for turning my blog into a photo album. lol :P


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