Whisper's Guide to Menstrual Cramps!

Are you in regular pain? Well, you're not alone. Like many women, I suffered from menstrual cramps for the first 2-3 days. My doctor told me that the cramps are caused by uterine contractions and can be made worse by emotional stress, which can cause headaches. Wow...sometimes the pain is so excruciating that I want to lay off the bed for hours. Like a sharp, throbbing, burning pain in the lower abdomen, right? I can't imagine women giving birth during labor. Oh, they are so powerful! - Incredible women... and definitely superheroes.

Anyway, I got my period last week and complained about my stomach for 3 days. It was very painful. :( My poor husband has to listen to all my whining and whining about stomach pains, blisters and bloating.

As if getting pregnant wasn't hard enough, now we have to deal with the usual hormonal imbalances and side effects of cramping, right? ah.. it's hard to be a woman man. I mean, it doesn't change the fact that even though we've lived for years, periods are still uncomfortable. Dealing with the normal aches and pains of the day can be difficult, especially when you're working and have meetings. Really annoying.
And you know which one is worse? When you feel sick and always have to check your back for spots or leaks. Ugh... I hate seeing hard to clean red stains on panties I love so much. -___- For this , you should choose a very good and high-quality sanitary machine. Like a whisper.

By the way, Whisper company has developed a new line of Cottony Clean pads. This is the smoothest Whisper clone ever. Blue core woven cotton blocks liquids on all sides for comfortable and clean protection. With this box, you don't have to worry about seeing or feeling red spots.

While some women take painkillers to manage their periods, others are bedridden. But I've been told that curling up under a blanket won't help you much, but simple exercises will ease the pain.

Movement will refresh you the most.

Last Saturday, Whisper helped me and another blogger attend a yoga class to learn how exercise can ease period pain. Yoga is very effective in relieving lower abdominal pain. During a yoga class at myYoga Plaza Damas last week, I learned that yoga involves deep breathing, which helps reduce the effects of lack of oxygen on the tissues, which is the main cause of pain. Simple movements and exercises like yoga can help relieve spasms because they increase blood flow and reduce pain.

So, the next time you have period pains, try yoga. If it works!

Well, it seems like an easy step. But try for a few minutes. Laugh out loud

Stretch that muscle.

Not with pillows like Whisper Cottony Clean, but you don't have to worry about spills during yoga poses. So, try these yoga poses because keeping your body moving can help with pain and overall health. You should feel good and take care of yourself during your period.

Thank you Whisper for this lesson and opportunity. I am starting to practice yoga now. ^__^


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