Eat Fats!

Ever since my doctor diagnosed me with this little health problem 3 weeks ago, i have been reading and buying natural and healthy things. If I want to stop the problem, I need to look at my diet and start eating clean. I confess, all my life I have not taken care of my health, especially since I was 19 years old and parted with homemade food. I was one of those people who didn't like eating out - my mother taught us to eat good food, vitamins, etc. But at that time, living in a dorm, eating healthy was hard. And to this day, I'm so used to eating out, junk food, greasy food and a bunch of other junk food that I put in my mouth...which led to this little health problem today. sigh. (Thank God it's not a big deal, but it's something I have to take care of)

Regardless, I now find myself going to Jaya Grocers, spending $200-$400 a week on whole foods and natural/organic foods. I hate that healthy/organic food is so expensive...but I would love to see my fridge stocked with fruits and vegetables!

I have started buying lots and lots of pure essential oils for skin and body! I need healthy fats in my diet. Well, actually...we all do. Our bodies need fats, not just fats. This is how our bodies are designed to work. That means eating real, whole foods like people ate a hundred years ago! So one of the things I've learned in my research on nutrition and health is that one of the most dangerous fads caught in the media is the low-fat, no-fat lifestyle .

Our minds are now so programmed that they consider skim milk, skim milk, egg whites, and margarine as healthy alternatives to their natural state, fat and all. There is a misconception that persists to this day, which is the belief that saturated fats increase the risk of heart attacks. My friends, this is just another myth that has ruined your health over the past 50 years! number. The truth is, healthy saturated fats from high-quality, minimally processed animal and plant sources provide a concentrated source of energy in your diet, as well as the building blocks of cell membranes and many hormones and hormone-like substances. The health of our bodies is determined by the balance of essential nutrients we provide, one of which is fat! So if we don't have enough healthy fats in our diet, our bodies can suffer the consequences! Like now... I bought a lot of oil, curd, milk, etc., etc. Fat-free, thinking it's healthy! T___T

Fill your kitchen with healthy oils/fats! Coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, etc! This is the main product that I take every day.

When you hear healthy fats, you think balance, stability, and complete nutrition. Healthy fats give you incredible energy, control your appetite, and make your cells strong and healthy. It is the raw material needed for the production and maintenance of proper hormone function! So women with hormonal problems eat more fat, right? Since hormones are made up of healthy fats and cholesterol, if your body isn't getting these nutrients, hormone problems occur because your body doesn't have the building blocks to make them. The body needs fats to repair cells and produce hormones. It is especially important for the female reproductive system. Foods like butter and coconut oil are full of short and medium-chain fatty acids, which our bodies convert directly into energy rather than storing as fat. Eating these fats actually increases your metabolism and balances your hormones! ^ ___ ^

Healthy fats are also a key ingredient for healthy, glowing skin! So when i heard about this, i quickly bought several pure essential oils for skin and hair! Such as hemp seed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, and more! I especially love using coconut oil! (I'm obsessed with all things coconut!) I just eat it. I put it on the skin. I wash my hair with it... and more! why? Because it contains many useful things!

I started incorporating coconut oil into my cooking, my meals... even my drinks! I love the smell and taste!

If you ever buy coconut oil, make sure you buy organic, unrefined, extra virgin, cold pressed - yes! They are healthy. You can also buy other healthy fats like butter from grass-fed or grass-fed cows (I love the Kerrygold brand), organic whole goat milk, olive oil, and nut butters like macadamia nuts, walnuts, almonds, etc. Avocado and fish oil. oil.

Listen to this doctor!

So next time you go to the grocery store, look for margarine, butter, or hydrogenated oil, canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and rice bran. ! It's bad butter! It is toxic to your body! Buy only natural healthy fats, okay? In the next post, I will be sharing more about the healthy things I know.

Note: When you think of saturated fats, you think of glowing skin, balanced hormones, and a healthy body!

hugs and kisses

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