The First Date

I don't think I talked about how my wife and I met, did I? It wasn't exactly a romantic story, but I can't understand how fate and destiny brought us together. Also, how true are the words "if it's meant to be, it will find its way" . When I think about how my husband and I met and how many obstacles I had to overcome before I found him (he was right in front of me, all these years!), I would cry... This is God and His plans. ! :)

Well, I started about 7 years ago. We were at the bbq for a friend's birthday in Wangsa Majud. He was one of my friend Navzatul's classmates at school. I was Nafza Allah's roommate in college. We were invited to a birthday party. Since I didn't know most of the people there, I sat on the corner of the stairs and ate by myself like everyone else. (I can't communicate. LOL. Being such a friendly person, she loves to make new friends, make everyone feel comfortable and have a good time. She didn't want me to feel left out at that time , so she asked her friends, "Who's that kid in pink heels?" - Don't you know guys pay attention to the little things we wear?! (I think only when they're in love with you! Haha) - In at that time, I was wearing my mom's clothes and heels to match my new pink top from Topshop that I had bought that week. But the shoes were too tight so I took them off and put them on the stairs and left even though we were eating out!

So he was testing me and said loudly in front of everyone, “Hello… Budak-makan-ayam-bucak-kasut, makan seorang-jk? Fur la duduk blue ramai-ramai..” - I don't know him. And I don't know them... Were there 5 guys? I wasn't in the mood to hang out with boys and other boys and make new friends, so I ignored them...and continued to eat my chicken like there was no chicken left! ha ha (already a girl :p)

This photo was taken by a friend of mine before I was sitting alone in the corner...
(I had no idea that the annoying man I met right away would become my beloved husband, whom I would marry 7 years later! Haha)

Anyway, since that night we've met up with the gang a few times. To Starbucks, to my mom, etc. At that time Hazim didn't interest me at all, because I thought this guy laughed a lot and it's very annoying how happy he is! Hahahahaha (yes, I'm a boring girl! Lol)

Also from that day I was called Bodak-Makan-Ayam-Bukak-Kasot girls . bff. Very funny guys. Do I have a correct name?

In short, in the past year we have come somewhat closer than ever before. Fate and destiny brought us closer, to be together. We lived/worked in the same area so spent a lot of time together. And we got closer than ever...and I really got to know him. Yes, don't judge a book by its cover! Turns out it's not as pathetic as I thought! Ha-ha-ha he is funny, sweet, witty, kind, witty, mature, handsome, chivalrous, responsible, considerate and brave, but he is handsome in his own way! ^__^

...... And about! Oh, and I forgot to mention he's also a Captain America fan!
Ha ha ha

He really likes Captain America, he's funny! Ha ha ha

Anyway, we were just friends for many years, until one day he dared to ask me out! Of course I said yes, I actually really enjoyed it! he is. Trust me, it's really hard not to love it! Even my mother and sister, who did not know her then (but have heard many stories from me), have already voted for her and asked me to choose her as their wife! - Aww... Thank you Mom, Dad, Ong and Shida for agreeing, supporting me and allowing me to marry this guy! Now my life is over!

One of the many things I love about her is that she always notices the little things in me! My new scarf, the accessories I'm wearing, my new bag, my perfume, etc. from! It's always nice when a loved one appreciates you in any way!

Our first date was like any normal date. It took me to a museum instead of the traditional malls I've been to before! Can you believe this is a museum? ha ha I thought he was going to treat me to another nice dinner or something...but he really surprised me! It was my first time visiting the National Museum! He really woke me up and impressed me with his "try not to impress me" tactic, taking me to a very cozy place instead of the typical romantic restaurants. ha ha (Try and good technique sir! Girl it worked! Heh)

I have never been to the National Museum! It was a beautiful day!

Senta Cami Barrow Probiotic..

The message you get from him after first dates. Ha ha ha
(Better late than never, right?)

So when things really went well, even though we'd only been dating for a few months, he took the leap of asking me to be his wife, not his girlfriend! Of course I said yes! He is the only man who can make me feel this way! Ah.. I love falling in love! Now I know what they say: "If he was the Chosen One, you would know!" - This is correct! ^__^

The man who never stops laughing at me! Here are pictures of me trying to take a selfie but he got my back! lol

- A selfie on a date -

Anyway, during my first date / 50 dates I noticed that he was always looking at me. As if he had never seen a woman before. Whatever I wear, whatever I put in front of him always pleases him. For example, make up your lips with lipstick or mascara, or even wear high heels! Smile or ask me cute silly questions! It's like he loves me so much, he's so cute! lol. Always look at me and make me feel like the most desirable thing you've ever seen! lol.

This is the face he will make when he looks at me with admiration! lol

That's why I always like to have fun when I'm around him, because I feel like all my efforts are worth it, because he compliments me and says very nice things that all girls want to hear! When you hear phrases like "Nice dress," " smell so good!" "," Beautiful color today "," I love the way it fits you "," Two hour preparation is nice and sweet. Combine things! "," Wow! "," I like your scent "," You look great today "," Is this your new style? It is beautiful! Etc. Ah... the good old days when your boyfriend was always happy to see you and gave all kinds of compliments!

Not because he didn't compliment me today. Go to hell... tapi slang. After we got married he felt nothing! I mean, words wouldn't be as magical as they should be if he complimented me every day, right? (That's what you told me the last time you brought this up! I apologize sir! Haha)
Although I partly agree with him, but still... we all wish that these wonderful moments and honeymoons never end!

Selfie after the wedding ___
My husband...the one who is driving me crazy these days. God. Sweet Pie is no more! Ha ha ha

If you want to know, the first few weeks of my marriage were a lot of fun. He had never seen me get ready so this was all definitely foreign to him! You know... change clothes, line your eyes, take selfies from the #outfitoftheday post, etc. things for me when we are. So he went through a phase of discovering new things for me. So they already own it. So there is nothing else to worry about. So... no more surprises or surprises at all. So less compliments for me! Because he saw it all! shhhh" Even if I buy new clothes, change my makeup a bit, it won't mean anything like before... like you can't see it or something. Grrr


Maybe I should take this test and make sure I'm ok! ha ha

Because you know when I change my style everyday, he doesn't say a word these days! T___T But what surprised me the most was when we went to see Captain America at the movies recently, he was so excited to see his new favorite superhero costume! bff. This guy changed into a navy suit and he's so excited and these suits are real, these characters are real and he can't stop talking like he knows them personally! Former sh. I'm so jealous! >__< I guess I have to compete with Captain America. Or dress up as black widow or something to get her attention! ha ha

Luckily, he just watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

However, I have to admit one thing I noticed he still does to this day...he likes and appreciates my scent, that is! It's weird how everything smells sometimes! "Ooooooo... I love your scent today ," he always told me, even though I think I smell the same every day.

Well,... I know that boys' noses are more sensitive than girls'. So every time I put on perfume, put on new clothes, or sometimes I haven't showered yet, he says... I smell amazing! And he kisses me a lot! lol. Wow thanks dear! Now I'll make sure you always smell as good to get your attention as before! Hehe ^__^

Anyway... I did a poll and it turns out 72% of women are with me on this one! Guys tend to be less sensitive to how we look, they are more sensitive to how you smell! So I'm perfectly normal I guess?

"No. Your guy might not notice a change in the color of your lipstick or your eyes without mascara or eyeliner, but that doesn't mean he's ignoring you. Did you know he can tell you easily when does your scent change? " It seems!

Girls, take the survey, does your husband notice? And see if your man is as clueless as they say!

And let's share the result with your friends on Facebook!

You can complete the survey and share your results at ! joking! :)

hugs and kisses,

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